Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Mary Tape, by Aileen

Mary tape


Anonymous said...

I wonder why they wouldnt let chinese or asian in schools. What if Mary Tape didnt make schools for others, how would life be now? That was an awesome toondoo, I wish that people didnt treat others like that back then

Anonymous said...

I like how you put the details. And the sign that said no Chinese or Asian people aloud in the school. And that Mary Tape made a school for people like Mary Tape.

Anonymous said...

awesome toon doo! love the characters! i bet mary tape was proud of her self for making history. by the way GREAT TOON DOO!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

i dont understand why they didnt let chinese and asian kidz in the school.i think mary tape was just thinking of her self because she only built a school for chinese and asian children only.not for other childre who could not attend school.and i think that the other people who could attend school were just jealous.:)